My Contribution to Debian, 2013-2

RC bugs:
 #701134 : php-soap: directory vs. symlink conflict, NMU fixed and unblock to Wheezy

WNPP bugs:
 #670999: libapache2-mod-geoip , sponsor by Arno Töll
 #529680: php-net-dime, #529687: php-services-weather, team uploaded - sponsor by Thomas Goirand (zigo)

 - I joined the pkg-php-pear team after fixed a RC bug (php-soap).

My Contribution to Debian, 2013-1

Fixed orphan package:
 #660437 : O: doodle -- Desktop Search Engine, Sponsor by Theppitak  Karoonboonyanan

RC bugs:
 #700355 : stardict: unhandled symlink
   + patch to fix
 #700941 : scim-thai: FTBFS: dh_install: missing files
   + patch to fix
 #701115 : [S] owncloud: multiple vulnerabilities
   + nmu (t-p-u by Gregor Herrmann) 
 #701134 : php-soap: directory vs. symlink conflict
  + patch to fix

 #671790 merge by #674480 libvncserver-dev: "Multi-Arch: same" but files differ across architectures
  + patch to fix

 #701766: RFS: python-libpcap/0.6.2-1 [QA]
 #700296: RFS: libapache2-mod-geoip/1.2.8-1 [ITA]
 #700410: RFS: furiusisomount/ [ITA]
 #700397: RFS: enchant/1.6.0-8 [ITA]
 #701706: RFS: ocamlrss/2.0-1 [ITP]

 - git format-patch -1 commit-SHA