My Contribution to Debian, 2014-2

- phpunit (3.7.28-1)
- php-codecoverage (1.2.13+dfsg2-1)
- php-token-stream (1.2.1-1)
- phpunit-selenium (1.3.3-1)
- phpunit-mock-object (1.2.3-1)
- Sponsor by David Prévot
  + php-mail (1.2.0-6)
  + php-http-webdav-server (1.0.0RC6-2)
  + php-xml-dtd (0.5.2+dfsg1
  + php-timer (1.0.5-1)
- php-zmq (new), sponsor by Laszlo Boszormenyi
- debpear/0.4 (native) -- automatically builds and installs PEAR package as Debian packages
  + add supported for channel and PECL packages
- haproxy (1.4.25-1), sponsor by Apollon Oikonomopoulos

Other packages:
 - (0.8.0+dfsg1-1), added zsh completion.

#732641 -- pkg-php-tools: Please, remove tests file with Buildsystem-phppear
#736294 -- pkg-php-tools: causes directory vs. symlink conflicts
#730316 -- php-mail: FTBFS: test failures in smtp_error test
#737453 -- php-codecoverage: Sourceless file (minified) (jquery)
#738373 -- php-xml-dtd: FTBFS: chmod: cannot access .. No such file or directory
#738416 -- php-http-webdav-server: FTBFS: chmod: cannot access .. No such file or directory
#737558 [P] -- pkg-php-tools: Please, support Zend extensions

- Join the NM process (if I have time)